IDH 1-2

EasyPGX® ready IDH1-2 RT031 (48 test, CE IVD)


Main features

Detection of the main mutations of IDH1 gene (codons 105 and 132) and IDH2 gene (codons 140 and 172). Each mix allows the co-amplification of one or more mutated alleles plus an endogenous control gene. A specific oligo control mix enables the evaluation of the quality and the quantity of the DNA in each sample.


  • Positive control sample containing a mixture of synthetic DNA sequences that correspond to each mutation detected by this kit in a background of wild-type genomic DNA;
  • Negative control.

Starting material

DNA from fresh, frozen, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues and plasma*.

*Please note that extraction from plasma is sold separately (cat. n. H8040).