PD-L1 diagnostics

PD-L1 is a ligand that binds to PD-1 (Programmed cell death-1) expressed on activated T cells to evade anti-tumor response. PD-L1 (also known as B7-H1, CD274) has emerged as an important target in cancer treatment. PD-L1 plays a role in inhibiting T cell activation and proliferation. Recent studies highlight PD-L1 as an important biomarker for immunotherapy outcomes. it is therefore vital to have reliable and reproducible tools to detect and measure PD-L1.


FISH probe:

ZytoLight SPEC CD274,PDCD1LG2/CEN 9 Dual Color Probe [Z-2179-200, 200 µl] 

targeting the genes CD274 (cluster of differentiation 274, a.k.a. PDCD1LG1, PDL1) and PDCD1LG2 (programmed cell death 1 ligand 2,a.k.a. PDL2, CD273), which are separated by 42 kilobases, and which are located on chromosome 9p24.1. Both genes are encoding for ligands for the PD-1 receptor of T-cells. 


Reccommended antibody from Abcam:

Anti PD-L1 antibody (28-8)  kat. č. ab205921

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